Automate the Process of Capturing and Nurturing Leads

TidyCal Popup Integration

Lead Management:

Our CRM Automation service streamlines lead management by automating the entire process from capture to conversion. Automatically collect and organize leads from various sources, ensuring that no opportunity is missed. Our system then nurtures these leads through personalized follow-ups, automated responses, and targeted communications based on their behavior and engagement. This not only saves time but also ensures a consistent, effective approach to converting prospects into customers, allowing your sales team to focus on high-value interactions.

Customer Segmentation:

Effective customer segmentation is crucial for personalized marketing and targeted sales efforts. Our CRM Automation service enhances this by automatically segmenting customers based on their interactions, behavior, and data. This intelligent segmentation enables you to tailor your communications, offers, and strategies to specific customer groups, improving relevance and engagement. By leveraging detailed analytics and automated processes, you can create highly targeted campaigns that resonate with each segment, ultimately driving better results and fostering stronger customer relationships.


Why choose

Transparent Process

Reliable Quality

360-Degree Approach

Customer First

Full-service tech partner

Impactful Brainstorming


Our customer philosophy

There is no better way to understand someone than showing empathy. We step right into your shoes and look into the problem right from your perspective. This makes us to better understand what you want without you asking for it. That’s our core philosophy towards understaning our customers


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TidyCal Popup Integration